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Chaos & Order
Date created: 2017 -2019
The forth industrial revolution was now gaining momentum. These works represent the chaos we humans project on this planet and how we try connect everything. how we create boxes and bubbles and how we are going to enter this new space. Where do we fit in as a species? We will try to control everything with technology with the hope it is our savior to an increasingly abstract world.
On a personal note: These works represent a massive shift in the work I had been doing. I also wanted to merge two mediums into one. Traditional painting on canvas with a digital overlay representing the new digital age we will be entering. I did this by UV printing the geometric shapes over the paint.
Title: Creating the hive Series: Chaos and Order Size: 2.9m x 1.4m
Creating the hive detail
Title: Connected miscalculation Series: Chaos and Order Size: 2.9m x 1.4m
Title: Expanding the connected Series: Chaos and Order Size: 2.9m x 1.4m
Title: Water connected order Series: Chaos and Order Size: 2.9m x 1.4m
Starting a riot - the optimal angle to throw a Molotov - 2019
two fingers... Fuck you, Victory, Peace - 2019
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